Short Profile:
Kevin Hulin MIConstM (Member of the Institute of Construction Management)
Member of the Worshipful Company of Glaziers
Joint MD Mann McGowan for past 14 years. The company specializes in the manufacture and installation of fire resisting glazing systems which includes- Pyrovista, Firestile, Pyroglaze and Interdens. We export all over the world and have been exporting to the Gulf Region for over 20 years.
1978- Commenced working in the architectural glass industry with the Doulton Glass Group.
1980- Worked for Pilkington Glass
1981-1985 Schott UK Product Manager for Pyran Fire Resisting Glass
1985- 1988 Twide Paragon. Launched their Pyrosecur Fire Resisting Glazed Screens
1988 Joined Mann McGowan as Technical Sales Manager
I have either arranged or witnessed over 100 fire tests in the UK, France, Holland, Germany, USA, China, Taiwan
Besides Director responsibilities at Mann McGowan- responsible for all the Technical Applications and Product Development
Founder member of FRGGSA which became the GGF-FRGG
Chairman of the FRGG/GGF since 2008 and Chairman of Training Comm since 2010
Co author of the GGF’s A Guide to Best Practice in the Specification and Use of Fire-Resistant Glazed Systems
Co author of GQA Levels 2 and 3 Diploma in Fire Resistant Glazing (recognized NVQ’s)
Regular presenter/lecturer on the subject of Fire Resistant Glazing