"Sustainable Business"

- Made in Sharjah -

October 12 & 13, 2010
Conference - Workshops - Networking - Project Tours


Foreword of the Director General

Continuing business as usual in the face of global climate change and population growth is not an option. Business must have a constructive partnership with government and civil society because investment in technology changes often is beyond the capacity of a single company or even a single country.

This initiative from Sharjah Chamber of Commerce & Industry supports the vision of H.H. Sheikh Dr. Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council of the UAE and Ruler of Sharjah, who advocates the widespread adoption of sustainable business practices. A sustainable approach to work advances Sharjah's aim of developing a creative, competitive, and highly productive workforce, which aligns with the competitiveness goals of the UAE.‘


Nowadays, sustainable practices are one of the most important strategies to address environmental and economic challenges.

Sharjah Chamber of Commerce & Industry is thus committed to organizing events and launching initiatives which promote awareness on this concept, and encourage the private sector to implement sustainability on a large scale in Sharjah in cooperation with the public.

This significant event brings together prominent companies who have agreed to collaborate closely on the adoption of sustainability principles in their corporate systems. Sharjah Chamber of Commerce & Industry hope that this initiative will motivate the wider private sector to identify and implement sustainable policies alongside Sharjah's key economic sectors.

Hussein Mohammed Al Mahmoudi
-Director General, Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry
-President, UAE Business Council for Sustainable Development



Platinum Sponsor:

Gold Sponsor: Academic Partner:

Supported by:

http://www.uaebcsd.ae/   http://www.wbcsd.org/templates/TemplateWBCSD5/layout.asp?MenuID=1


Organiser: Co-organisers: Media Partners:
http://www.sharjah.gov.ae/EN/Pages/default.aspx http://www.sesam-uae.com/ http://www.oxfordbusinessgroup.com/   http://www.netimpact.org/   http://www.buildgreen.ae/v1/Default.aspx

http://www.fraunhofer.de/en/      http://www.roedl-mereu.com/difc/default.aspx       http://www.sewa.gov.ae/English/    http://www.fugu-energy.com/
http://www.eeg-uae.org/    http://www.ecoventures.ae/     http://www.heroesoftheuae.ae/en     http://www.unesco.org/new/en/unesco/     http://www.goumbook.com/       
http://www.masdar.ae/en/home/index.aspx      http://www.nationalpaints.com/

CO2- neutral conference in cooperation with Ecoventures

Proven contributors to climate change are the emissions of greenhouse gases, one of them being carbon dioxide, CO2. In our everyday life it is unavoidable to cause CO2 emission and to leave a so called CO2 footprint. E.g. Traveling by car from Sharjah to Abu Dhabi in a regular car produces 39kg CO2. A roundtrip flight (economy) from New Delhi to Sharjah will produce 0.936t of CO2 emission. One year use of a fridge can cause a CO2 emission of around 100kg CO2/year.

It is possible to compensate unavoidable CO2 emissions by investing into and thus supporting projects that lead to a direct greenhouse gas reduction, support climate protection and sustainable development. The organizer undertakes to offset the calculated amount of CO2 emission caused by the event in cooperation with our partner Ecoventures. Offset projects have to fulfill strict regulations. For more information please visit www.Ecoventures.ae

It is our aim to lead with a good example and to leave a green footprint.



Platinum Sponsor